A Daily Rhythm Song, perfect to bake with your children!
Why are Daily Rhythms important?
In Waldorf homes, establishing a steady rhythm creates a comforting and predictable flow for children.
These daily rhythms provide a sense of security and help children connect with their surroundings, strengthening their learning and language development naturally. By introducing simple songs in Spanish that align with their activities, we can enrich this daily rhythm with joyful, language-filled moments and help your children learn and develop the love for langu…
12 Best Alternative Ways to Celebrate Halloween: Waldorf-Inspired Ideas
12 Alternative Ways to Celebrate Halloween: Waldorf-Inspired Ideas
1. Create a Treasure or Scavenger Hunt
This idea involves hiding clues for the children to find a special treat bag (not filled with candy!) that they can discover through play. You can even incorporate Spanish words into the clues to make it educational.
Some Spanish words are:
La Calabaza - Pumpkin
El Murciélago - Bat
La Araña - Spider
El Hada - Fairy
El Duende - Elf
La Bruja Buena - Good Witch
El Granero - Barn
La Manzana - Apple
El Maiz …
Free Online Spanish Book Club for Kids: Discover "Cartas en el Bosque" by Susana Isern
Are you looking for a creative and engaging way to help your children learn Spanish?
Join us for a Free Online Spanish Book Club designed especially for your family! This Thursday, October 24th at 11:30 am, we will explore the enchanting book Cartas en el Bosque by Susana Isern, a story that’s perfect for children ages 4 to 12.
Why Join Our Spanish Book Club for Kids?
At the heart of Waldorf education is the idea that learning should be a joyful and imaginative experience. One of the best ways to h…
The Perfect Time to Conquer Bilingualism
Are you native but Spanish is not part of your regular conversations at home?
Do you want your children to love learning languages?
Michaelmas, a festival that comes just in time (even though it looks like the opposite)
September is the month of the Equinox, the harvest, and Michaelmas.
September is a month of a lot of changes. Both internal and external.
September feels like A LOT!
The change of seasons, from Summer to Autumn.
The change of light, as the days get shorter and shorter.
The change of temperature, from hot to cold.
The change of rhythms and lifestyle, from the free summer days to the school or homeschooling days.
The change of food, from the sweet summer fruits to the arrival of the pumpkins, apples, and…
This a continuation of my past article.
Hear it completely below or read it here
You don't have time to read now?
Now, as parents and teachers, what are we going to do to create that imprint, that real learning in the souls of our children?
This is my short but effective list of what to do to get there:
- The first step to creating that imprint is being with …
How the learning happens? A reflection about learning and soul imprints
with a touch of inspiration from Adele's teacher.
You don't have time to read now?
As homeschooling parents or teachers involved in children’s education, some questions that we often have in mind are, is my child really learning? How much is learning? Will they be able to remember what they have learned and put it into action when needed? What will they remember? Will they remember the right stu…
Celebrate Halloween Waldorf-Style with a Spanish Song: El Panadero (The Baker)
As Halloween approaches, many families are rethinking how they want to celebrate. Over the past few years, the holiday has taken on new meanings and traditions, with some parents looking for ways to make the experience more aligned with their values or the interests of their children as they grow.
In Waldorf schools in Spain, Halloween has been embraced in a unique way. Instead of the usual spooky costumes, children celebrate with a profession-themed costume party. The kids dress up as their favo…
¡Feliz Día de la Madre! con un poema - Happy Mother´s Day! with a poem
Today is Mother's Day in Spain, from where I am from and I want to share with you a nice collection of poems to start the Month of May to honor our mothers.
Madre mía
Cuando los ojos a la vida abría,
al comenzar mi terrenal carrera,
la hermosa luz que vi por vez primera
fue la luz de tus ojos, ¡madre mía!
Y hoy que, siguiendo mi escarpada vía,
espesas sombras hallo por doquiera,
la luz de tu mirada placentera
ilumina mi senda todavía.
Mírame, ¡oh madre!, en la postrera hora
cuando a las sombra…
Happy Spring! ¡Feliz Primavera! The Best Spanish Poems about Spring
Today is the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and to celebrate it I want to bring you a collection of poems in Spanish that you can use for your classes, your homeschooling, or just for yourself. I hope they can serve you as inspiration. :-)
Doña Primavera
viste que es primor,
viste en limonero
y en naranjo en flor.
Lleva por sandalias
unas anchas hojas,
y por caravanas
unas fucsias rojas.
Salid a encontrarla
por esos caminos.
¡Va loca de soles
y loca de trinos!
Doña Prima…