WAITING LIST | Spanish for Traveling Classes | Children Immersive Spanish Camp
Welcome and thank you for checking it out!
I am Laura, a world schooler mama of 2 little boys and wife to an amazing and talented dad.
I am originally from Salamanca (Spain) and a traveler at heart. I have traveled extensively before having children and now we are on the go with them as well.
As a world schooler, I can see how important it is to communicate with the locals. When you are able to do that, you feel the culture at a different level. You feel in your heart the people that surround you and, suddenly, it becomes clearer how to interact with them, and why things are so different to you. Then, you get to understand them and become one of them.
I want to help you do that with my mother tongue: Spanish.
When you join my waiting list, you will be the first one to know about the classes I will start in September and the Spanish Immersive camp I am preparing as well.
Please, do not hesitate to contact me at hola@waldorfinspiredspanish.com
I hope to see you there!